The story "Ctrl-Undo-Redo" by ऋतुजा उमेश फडके revolves around the character Swara, who experiences a moment of despair and introspection. She wakes up late and realizes she has been waiting for someone, likely a significant person in her life. Frustrated with herself, she deletes his contact number and disconnects from the internet to isolate herself from the outside world. As she surveys her home, she notices everything is beautifully arranged but has lost its freshness, mirroring her own emotional state. The flowers on the table are wilted, and despite their fragrance, they no longer bring her joy. Swara reflects on her feelings of sadness and fear, questioning why she cannot embrace her surroundings. After checking her phone for messages, she finds none from the person she hoped to hear from, only work-related messages from her boss. Swara, a journalist by profession, is usually inquisitive and adept at uncovering truths, but today she feels disconnected from herself and her usual self-confidence. As the rain begins to pour outside, she feels increasingly desolate. The rain, which once brought her comfort, now feels unwelcome. She tries to shut out unwanted thoughts but finds them persistently haunting her. Ultimately, Swara grapples with her loneliness and the harsh truth of her situation, realizing that facing reality is a challenging endeavor. Despite the chaos around her, she understands the necessity of continuing to work for financial stability, even amidst her emotional turmoil. Ctrl-Undo-Redo Rutuja Umesh Fadke द्वारा मराठी कथा 11 2.6k Downloads 9.8k Views Writen by Rutuja Umesh Fadke Category कथा पूर्ण कथा वाचा मोबाईल वर डाऊनलोड करा वर्णन Ctrl-Undo-Redo - Rutuja Umesh Fadke More Likes This माझ्या गोष्टी - भाग 2 द्वारा Xiaoba sagar तीची ओळखं द्वारा LOTUS पेहेली तारीख द्वारा Vrishali Gotkhindikar कथानक्षत्रपेटी - 2 द्वारा Vaishali S Kamble अजून ही बरसात आहे ..... - भाग 2 द्वारा Dhanashree Pisal मला स्पेस हवी पर्व २ भाग १ द्वारा Meenakshi Vaidya कामीनी ट्रॅव्हल - भाग १ द्वारा Meenakshi Vaidya इतर रसदार पर्याय मराठी कथा मराठी आध्यात्मिक कथा मराठी फिक्शन कथा मराठी प्रेरणादायी कथा मराठी क्लासिक कथा मराठी बाल कथा मराठी हास्य कथा मराठी नियतकालिक मराठी कविता मराठी प्रवास विशेष मराठी महिला विशेष मराठी नाटक मराठी प्रेम कथा मराठी गुप्तचर कथा मराठी सामाजिक कथा मराठी साहसी कथा मराठी मानवी विज्ञान मराठी तत्त्वज्ञान मराठी आरोग्य मराठी जीवनी मराठी अन्न आणि कृती मराठी पत्र मराठी भय कथा मराठी मूव्ही पुनरावलोकने मराठी पौराणिक कथा मराठी पुस्तक पुनरावलोकने मराठी थरारक मराठी विज्ञान-कल्पनारम्य मराठी व्यवसाय मराठी खेळ मराठी प्राणी मराठी ज्योतिषशास्त्र मराठी विज्ञान मराठी काहीही मराठी क्राइम कथा